Such age-old disciplines as economics, sociology, anthropology and political science are supporting pillars for the field of human resource development. Applied psychology is the backbone of this management area. Human resource personnel need to be pros in the field of psychology as their job profile requires them to deal with the employees from all levels or an organization. Employee testing, selection, training and placement are among the core responsibilities on their shoulders. Applied psychology courses are available as distance learning MBA programs that HRD experts can make the most of for the enrichment of their professional profiles.
Psychology is the main driver behind the manipulation of behavior, the process of thoughts and the working efficiency of individuals. HRD managers are supposed to direct the working strength and stamina of employees towards the increased productivity and profitability of business organizations. Equipped with knowledge of applied psychology, the human resource pros can take a look inside the working executives. The group activity and behavior of all employees too is dominated by their own individual psychology. A clash among contrasting individual psychologies often leads to team conflict. The HRD managers who are experts in applied psychology can deal expertly with such issues that scale down the productivity of an organization.
The volume of physical or manual output from workers depends on their attitude to the organization to some extent. Positive or negative attitude of the workers matters to the progress of an organization. Positive attitude inspires and encourages them to multiply their efforts for the growth of their organization. While negative attitude puts down their spirit and stamina that in turn, poses a hindrance to the forward movement of the company. Improving the workers’ attitude to the company is a meaty role to be played by the human resource managers. They can better play this role with the application of applied psychology.
Recruitment of individuals for different designation in an organization is one of the duties that the job profile of a HRD manager includes. The academic qualification and professional experience of an individual are not the only considerations to entitle him or her to a responsible designation. His or her positive mindset, confidence and interpersonal skill also matter to his or her selection. Having a firm grip of applied psychology, HRD personnel can analyze these issues to make sure if an individual deserves to be recruited or not. That is why the demand of distance learning MBA in the field of psychology is on high.