Meaningful Change Can Happen Quickly!

Meaningful Change Can Happen Quickly!

If you are afraid to fail, you won’t succeed. Honored to work with my colleagues @UKCollegeofEd 🚀💙🔝#results #InnovationZone #educationalleadership #educationinsights #education

Here are the results from our first three years of work at the University of Kentucky College of Education.

Some say meaningful change cannot happen quickly, but I believe our faculty, students and alumni are showing that it can happen remarkably fast with commitment and innovation. It is imperative we create policies that will enable those in the teacher pipeline to persist and succeed. Our students are eager to enter a fulfilling career. Now is the time to step up as a society to value the teaching profession so they do not leave it too soon, leaving behind silence where there could have been the long echo of a lasting legacy for generations to come.  

Dean Julian Vasquez Heilig, In Press

There is much more work to do, and no doubt, there will be more challenges ahead, but I am convinced that we will refuse to allow adversity to stop us from pressing forward and making an unmistakable and lasting impact.

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