One of the key benefits of the Montessori method is its emphasis on self-directed learning. This approach to education encourages children to learn independently and think critically within a set of firm, reasonable boundaries. Students also develop a sense of independence, a valuable skill for a 21st-century student. Listed below are just some of the benefits of the 2000 Days Montessori Learning method. The Montessori philosophy has been called “one of the most effective educational methods in history.”
Respect for the child
One of the hallmarks of the Montessori teaching method is respect for the child. Teachers are expected to treat children with respect and kindness, a fundamental value of the Montessori philosophy. Guides and aides always respect the child’s freedom and independence. They use actual words when categorizing things and show the child their true worth and dignity. Teachers and aides must also respect the child’s feelings.
Children develop a strong sense of independence when they are treated with respect. Young children often struggle between being reliant on adults and wanting to explore the world. By demonstrating consideration for the child, they learn independence and gain a lifelong appreciation of learning. This attitude is reflected in the way they interact with other adults. They may even learn to take the initiative and lead the way in their education.
Freedom of choice within the clear, firm, and reasonable boundaries
We have all heard of freedom of choice, but do you know that it only exists if you’re free to do what you want? The ultimate goal of any parent is to give their child the freedom of choice that they wish within clear, firm, and reasonable boundaries. It’s a powerful principle, but it needs to be appropriately implemented. Here’s how to set good boundaries:
Integration of academic skills into the natural life of the classroom
While much of the instruction in a classroom is centered around writing and speaking, recent studies point to the power of learning through different senses, including visual and kinesthetic senses. As a result, teachers should plan instruction that engages students in various learning modalities. For example, arts integration can involve students creating a dance, painting, or dramatization based on the studied subject.
Integration of nature, science, and culture
The Montessori method of teaching incorporates “cosmic education” into the classroom. Students develop the habits of mind necessary for scientific inquiry. The learning method balances science with sentiment and embodies the philosophy of “be still and know.”
Children are exposed to various natural settings throughout the Montessori classroom. Students explore the environment, interact with it, and become enchanted by it. The Montessori classroom is designed to help children become confident, enthusiastic learners with 21st-century skills. The children exposed to nature are prepared to work with their communities and serve others. They are also capable of understanding their own needs and those of others.
Emphasis on self-regulation
The Montessori method of education places a strong emphasis on self-regulation. Children observe their adult role models closely and can learn by watching others. Montessori classrooms are bright and orderly, filled with polite and well-behaved children who exhibit a high level of self-control. Children learn to deal with conflict constructively and develop self-respect and dignity.
Similarly, Montessori educators try to avoid power struggles with children. Power struggles eat up the teacher’s time and are sure to draw attention from the other children. Children who get gold stars on their foreheads have also been less successful. However, Montessori schools don’t use grades or ranking systems. Montessori teachers are trained to develop a child’s inherent motivation. In addition, they use their unique ways of encouraging their students.