Do you ever feel like you’re wandering, professionally? Not sure what you want to do next, but you’re sure you don’t want to stay where you are? Perhaps it’s time to let the professional pieces fall into place. You’ve considered becoming a teacher, now is the time to make your move. Find your professional forever home in a classroom.

Why Teaching in the Fall is Great

From Friday night lights to seasonal classroom decor, autumn is a great time to be a part of the school community. For more detail about what’s to love with fall teaching, read this blog post, which highlights five reasons to love teaching in autumn.

But perhaps the best reason to pursue teaching during the fall is that schools are still in desperate need of great teachers. In most communities, the school year is almost a month underway and yet schools are still short staffed. If you are changing careers to enter the education field, you can rest assured knowing jobs are still available.

Let Your Career Ambitions Fall Into Place

Because local schools are so short staffed, they are eager to fill open positions with dedicated community members. By enrolling in a teacher preparation program, you can signal to the school administration that you are committed and eager to meet students’ needs. Many states allow unlicensed teachers to run classrooms so long as they are working toward certification. You can contact your local school to learn about emergency certificates, or how you can get into the classroom quickly. Take this leap and land in a classroom of your own—kids are waiting!

For more information about fast and affordable teacher certification, visit

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